
Operation procedure of stagnant and semi-active economic unit in Alborz province

RoshanayRah-EN; The operation of 5,700 stagnant and semi-active economic units, as well as the signing of a memorandum of understanding for the establishment of the country’s first innovative revitalization development center (INUTAD) in Alborz province and on the occasion of government week, were carried out in the science and technology park of Alborz province.

in ritual;
Seyyed Amir Hossein Madani, the government representative in the movement to revive economic units and the deputy of rural development and deprived areas of the country

Masoud Ebrahimi, the head of the organization for the commercialization of technology and knowledge-based economy of the country’s academic jihad

Saifullah Asadollahi, Deputy Coordinator of Economic Affairs of Alborz Governorate

Ahmed Afzali, Deputy Coordinator of Civil Affairs of Alborz Governorate

Mohammad Ansari, General Manager of Alborz Industry, Mining and Trade Department

and Parham Rezaei, head of Alborz Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture

were present and visited Alborz Science and Technology Park.

Among the goals of concluding this memorandum, we can include;
Development of innovative revitalization in the field of financing institutions, legal institutions, management consulting, startups, revitalization platforms in Science and Technology Park

also ,
He pointed out the revival of stagnant units with the aim of consensus, cooperation, synergy and cooperation of the parties in the field of using the scientific and technological capacities of the academic jihad organization.

Photo: Negar Asghari